Car Air Conditioning Service

Our car service Prague offers maintenance at the highest professional level. We always do our work quickly and efficiently, our car service Prague performs all types of work, coupled with air conditioning of the car.

Car drivers often meet this situations:

  1. Pollution of the air conditioning system. Very often this problem arises for the inhabitants of large cities. Mud, dust and humidity are very common. Despise cleaning has no meaning. Dirty air conditioning works badly, and its failure is not far away. Responsible drivers need to do one time per year cleaning and exchange coolant. Coolant refueling – issue, which you must not give to the suspicious people.
  2. Gas leak. This problem is not so critical, because the air conditioning is working anyway. Regular recharging air conditioning with freon helps identify a defect. Delete the problem is important, because if you leave it without attention, in time it can cause a lot of trouble. To make sure the gas escaped completely, have an attention to the issue when there is the prevention of the car.
  3. Failure of the compressor, the evaporator and the condenser. Defects can also arise in the electrical wiring or in the management of the air conditioning system. To avoid this situation, or to relieve it, will help the regular testing and maintenance. If there are defects, repair of the compressor for air conditioning cars and loading of the air conditioning system is in a large number of currently offers car services. Pay attention to which car service is best for you. Select only the most reliable services.

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